Metering Pumps Accessories
Various materials of construction to suit chemical to be pumped.Injection Valves
Various materials of construction to suit chemical to be pumped, incorporating Hastelloy C spring.Withdrawable Injection Lance
Allows for the injection of chemicals into mid stream of pipeline. This provides even mixing of chemicals and avoids possible corrosion of pipe wall. Assembly can be withdrawn from pipeline without the need to isolate pipeline.Hot Injection Assembly
Injection assembly for injection of chemicals into hot dosing points.In-line Check Valve
Spring loaded check valve of various materials to suit chemicals in use. Connections to suit tubing both ends.Flushing Assemblies
Used for water flushing of chemical lines and liquidend of metering pump, to avoid blockages and deposits.Rigid Suction Assemblies
Incorporates a footvalve and floatswitch assembly within a rigid protective assembly. The footvalve maintains prime of pump whilst the floatswitch can provide indication of low chemical level. Assembly allows operator's hands to be clear of chemicals particularly whilst changing chemical containers.Floatswitch
Used for monitoring chemical level within tank. Connection directly into pump will pause pump with low level.Flow Monitor
Monitors the individual stroke of the metering pump and provides notification of pump failure. Flow monitor is mounted directly onto discharge valve of pump.Water Meters (Hot & Cold )
A contact generated by the water meter, based upon flow rate is used to dose chemicals proportional to water flow rate.Isolation Valves
Chemical grade with various materials of construction to suit chemicals in use. A range of valves are offered with lockable handles.Chart Recorder
Digital or paper chart recorders are available, with various functions and scales.Variable Frequency Drives
Used to vary the speed of AC electric motors. They can be used with an analogue input signal, to proportionally vary the speed of a metering pump.Calibration cylinder
These graduated cylinders are generally fitted to the suction pipework and used for measuring metering pump discharge. They can also be utilised to calibrate metering pumps with internal flow rate functions.Various capacities are available; 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 2000ml, 5000ml, 10000ml.
Wall mount brackets
Manufactured from PVC with various sizes available to suit different size pumps.Adjustable Pressure Relief Valves
Chemical grade with various materials of construction to suit chemicals in use. Valves can be pre-set prior to dispatch to client.Adjustable Back Pressure Valves
Chemical grade with various materials of construction to suit chemicals in use. Valves can be pre-set prior to dispatch to client.Multi-Function Valve
Pre-set pressure relief and backpressure valve mounted directly to metering pump discharge valve.Suction Pressure Regulator
The suction pressure regulator is a spring loaded diaphragm valve which opens during the pump suction stroke. It prevents a siphon action occurring even with tube rupture.Flow Meter
Measures pulsating flow of a metering pump from 0.1 to 30 litres / hour. The ultrasonic flow meter has wetted parts of PVDF / PTFE making it suitable for most chemicals. Operation without moving parts provide long service life and wear free operation.The compact housing with display is mounted on the discharge line of the pump, totalising flow and displaying flow rate. A frequency and analogue output are provided for control and recording purposes.
Pulsation Dampners
These devices are used to reduce the pulsations and resistance within long discharge lines. The bladder arrangement with no air in contact with the media assures reliable trouble free operation.Stirrers
Fast and slow speed configurations are available to suit chemicals in use. Mounting can be on top of tank or with floor stand.Chemical Tanks
These tanks are made of translucent UV- stabilised polyethylene with a graduated scale. A screw lid simplifies filling procedures, and moulded sleeves on tanks provide mounting supports for metering pumps. Moulded sleeves are also supplied for the mounting of stirrers. All tanks are supplied with a plugged outlet at the base of each tank.Capacities (litres) available : 35, 60, 100,140, 250, 500, 1000.
Other sizes can be supplied.
Chemical Tank Bunds
Made of UV-stabilised polyethylene.Capacities (litres) available : 60, 100, 140, 250.
Other sizes can be supplied.